ECOPOWER ADDITIVES It was part of the spectacular Motor Fest that was held in the Valencian town of Xàtiva by Tramos Valencianos, a club created in 2015 with the common denominator of passion for the world of motors and that is giving a lot of talk. And this is not the first event they organize nor the last, being better and better and with greater influx and participation of unique cars.
ECOPOWER ADDITIVES This opportunity could not be missed to continue publicizing the news and advantages that the range of Premium Engine Additives offers. In addition, it gave away 3 lots of products from the Additives and Care Plus range to 3 winners of various raffles that attendees with vehicles at the exhibition participated in different categories.
On the other hand, the next big event was promoted where ECOPOWER ADDITIVES will be part of and will take the opportunity to launch its new range of Premium Additives and Treatments specialized in Motorbikes and the world of 2 wheels in the next Moto GP world championship which will be held at the Ricardo Tormo Circuit.
The set-up did not leave anyone indifferent with the exhibition of products. The virtues of Ecopower products were shown and explained to the visitors along with a beautiful Ducati and the spectacular Célica of the Valencian Community club who enthusiastically supported this beautiful event. We also received thanks for the great use they saw in our products, without a doubt something that made our day.
The entire large crowd of attendees was able to enjoy all types of vehicles, there was even a Delorean taken from the movie Back to the Future. Old and modern cars making noise in this spectacular exhibition that left everyone delighted. We would like to thank Tramos Valencianos, as well as all the attendees, for this magnificent and unforgettable day in Xàtiva.